Thursday, 23 January 2014

Title Sequence Research

Title sequences are used in media products (films and tv programmes) to give the audience not only information about who is in the film (cast) and who has made it (crew) they also give away small bits of information about the film.
The film our group is going to produce is going to be a pychological thriller, therefore for my research I am going to look at title sequences for pychological thrillers to try and get some inspiration for our films title seuence.

This during this title sequence of the butterfly effect the background pictures move quite rapidly. The lettering is in white and appears by fading in the letters in a radom order. The only part of the title sequence that is different is the title its self as the title is blue and appears all at once but in two place. One of the titles slides along and off the screen the other stays in the same place and does nothing. The entre title sequence looks like it has been filmed with a handheld camera as alot of the close ups of the backgound images are shakey and not very clear. However, this could be have the director wanted the start of the title sequence to be as it doesnt give much away about the film itself.

The title sequence of Inception is animated. It has two main colours in the sequence which are red and black, also all the lettering is in capital letters and there are alot of zoom in`s and zoom out`s and the images ( screen) seems to rotate offten which gives the audience the inpression that not everything is normal but has different sides to look at.

Shutter Islands title sequence is very interesting as it changes. To start with all the writting is red and in capitals (and has a flicker to it) and the images (especially the stair case) move very fast.Then you (the audience) look like they are entering a building and the images slow down and the writting turns white but it has stopped flicking. All the casts names stay still andthe rest of the writting flickers.Then a gun is shown and the music has a slight change. The next image makes things clearer. It is a match being lite but once it is lite the audience get to see the Island for the first time. The title itself is red and blode on a black background in capitals and then zooms in as if its zooming into the picture or in this case the story of the film.

The title sequence for Fight Club is very interesting as it has been rhythmically edited. It also is the only title sequence that I looked at with a strange not simple fount. The fount in this title sequence is the most important thing as it is what the audience is drawn to, not only by the rhythmic editing but also as it is the brightest thing on screen(so bright it is almost blinding). The text is white and in capitals. The image on the screen is animated and doesnt tell the audience must about the film.

This title sequence is NOT the sequence that is on the film, it is one that has been made by a group of college pupils. The reason I am looking at this title sequence is because there isnt really a title sequence on Black Swan as it doesnt show any names of the cast it just shows who the distributor is and the producor and director is.
In this version of Black Swans title sequence it is animated and uses only the clours black, white and red. Black and White are really important in this film so i believe creating it in this way really shows the contrast between the two characters. The text appears with a smooth fade in and changes to contrast the background as the background is always moving. I belive out of all the sequences I have looked at this one shows more about what is going to happen in the film than any of the others.  

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