Research into other thriller films
Secret window:
Secret window is a psychological thriller about a man going slowly crazy after he and his wife divorce. He lives alone in a cabin in the woods with his dog whilst he writes short stories. One day a man comes to his door accusing him of stealing his story. He threatens him and makes him paranoid and begins seeing him every where. In the end it turns out that the man was just a figment of his imagination and it was in fact him who was threatening and killing people.
Review of this film
This film is very much like the one we are planning to make as it involves the main character seeing things, acting crazy and having a psychotic effect to it.
This is the films trailer:
Black swan:
This film is also a psychological thriller that involves a ballet dancer gong slowly crazy. It is very similar to Secret window as signs of the main character turning crazy are shown and by the end it is clear to the audience that she has been seeing things and is in fact crazy. In the last scene because she cannot determine right from wrong she stabs herself thinking she stabbed some one else and kills her self.
Review of this film
This film is like the one we are planning to do as it relies on lighting to build tension and involves the iconography of going crazy and seeing things that no one else can see.
This is the trailer for Black swan:
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