Monday, 20 January 2014

Research into similar film

Research into similar film

Another psychological thriller with a character that has a similar condition to the one of our character is Shutter island. The character in shutter island has the mental disorder schizophrenia, the doctors and rest of the people he is around let him believe that he is in fact trying to discover a patient that has escaped from the mental hospital for the criminally insane. But he is in fact himself a patient there. Everyone around teddy leads him to believe that he is indeed still a an officer of the law and fully sane man. We discover at the end that he is in fact not and this is very similar to that of our character. She is in fact schitzophenic and discovers at the end of the film that she is this way. But to keep her happy and out of the way of self harm they lead her believe she live Avery normal life.

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