Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Genre Thriller Research


Some examples of thriller are films like: The Hunger Games, Now You See Me, World War Z and Black Swan.
Black Swan is like our film might be as the main character in that film seems to have an illness that makes her think she's a swan. This is like our film as the main character  has schizophrenia and see her life in a different way to everybody else. Even though there is no ballet in our film Black swan is more like our film because of the 'illness' of the main character.
thrillers are fast paced and full of frequent action. I think that our film might be a psychological thriller because it may have a violent resolution which will be the conflict between the nurse and the girl.


The film Black Swan is very much like our film Delusion will be. Black Swan is a psychological thriller and the way in which the main characters illness grows is how we have decided to display our character.
Iconography's are objects our icons that you would find in most films with certain genres. In this case  thrillers use are: objects and icons such as finger prints, guns, knifes and bibles. This is what the audience unconsciously expect to see in a thriller.

Settings In Thriller Genre 

A lot of thriller take place in small towns but during some point there will be a scene of being followed. This scene is normally located in a forest or on a scary looking street. however in the film THE KILLING ROOM a lot of the film takes place around the killing room. The fact that there are not many locations brings the film together. I think that this psychological  thriller in a way is similar to the psychological thriller we as a group will be doing.

Lighting, Sound and Costumes.

The film frozen is like our film Delusion will be as the lighting is very important and so is the development of the characters. Even though this film is only a thriller and not a psychological thriller the events that take place are very similar
In most thrillers the lighting changes between being very dark to a normal light colour however, the music in the background of a light scene gives the audience the feel that there being watched or that something is coming. Costumes play a big part in thrillers as it can sometimes define between the film being a thriller or it being a horror. In thrillers the director is only trying to create suspense and tension rather than creating fear in a horror film. Sometimes like in the film Frozen 'below' small prosthetics are used to create suspense. It is when the girl is pulling her hand off the metal bar that it is frozen to.

Storyline and Characters 

In the film 'frozen' there are 3 main characters. This will be the same as our film when its been made.
The reason i have chosen to use this film as an example is because, these three characters are forced to bond during there short lived time on the chair lift. This is kind of like the short lived period of normality.

In most thrillers there are a small group of main characters. A thrilling event happens and normally only one will survive or at least one of the main characters will die. often there is a weak character, one female character and one who is trying to be the hero.

A film I believe to be really like the film my group are going to produce is memento. The film memento  is presented as two different sequences of scenes; a series in black and white that shown chronologically and a series of colour sequences shown in reverse order. the two sequences meet at the end of the film producing on common story.  The reason I believe that this film is like our storyline is because, memento starts at the end of the film and then goes back to the start and through out the film it reveals more and more information to tell you how they got to the end. Also because, in this film on of the characters has a mental illness. This is like our main character who has schizophrenia.


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