Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Shot List Of Delusion

Shot List
close up of clock fades into
extreme close up of eye
over the shoulder shot over character A
over the shoulder shot over character B
 over the shoulder shot over character A
over the shoulder shot over character B
wide shot
over the shoulder shot
over the shoulder shot
close up of book
over the shoulder shot
over the shoulder shot
over the shoulder shot
establishing shot / wide shot
wide shot
medium upper body shot (from behind)
wide shot
high angle shot
medium upper body shot
establishing shot
medium upper body shot/ wide shot
medium upper body shot ( from behind)
long shot
establishing shot
wide shot
close up of hand
close up of face
close up of hand
close up of feet
close up of face
tilt down
wide shot/ establishing shot
long shot
medium upper body shot
medium upper body shot
extreme close up of phone
medium upper body shot
establishing shot wide shot
wide shot from behind
wide shot
medium upper body shot
medium upper body shot
over the shoulder shot
close up
close up
closer close up shot
long shot
medium upper body shot
pov shot
close up

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