Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Evaluation question 3. - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A good possible mainstream distributor for our film would be 'Columbia pictures.' I think this would be a good distributor, as they have had experience distributing popular thrillers that are similar to our film, for example 'Secret window.' The positives of this company is that it is well know and has been running for many years, so we know that it is successful. As well as this, it would give our product a good budget for our film easily. Other work they have done include 'Angels & demons' and '2012.' These films both took off well and are both on the edge of your seat films and aim to make the audience think - which is similar to what our film is wanting to achieve. However the downfalls of this company are that in the 40's or 50's the company was still trying to expand and it distributed some films that didn't do so well such as 'Emergency wedding' (1950) and 'Lucky legs' (1942). The audience of Columbia Pictures films will most likely expect big things from this company as they distribute mainstream films, some of the most popular ones being 'Spider man' (2002) and 'Casino royal' (2006). Because of the wide variety of films it distributes, the audience will be different, so they won't only distribute a film according to what certain people like. This is a positive as our film could be easily distributed to a wider audience. However the negatives of this company distributing our film would be that it is situated in America. This would cost our movie extra to be distributed by a company further away. Also the end product of our film might not be what we were hoping to achieve in the first place. Because Columbia Pictures would be distributing our film, it might have had to be changed according to the way they want it, for example it could have a different plot or ending. On the whole though, this company would be a good distributor as it would be aimed at a good audience and it would allow our film to have a good budget for costumes and make-up which is a vital part in our film. The audience of our film would be expecting great things. From previous films such as 'Secret window,' they would want CGI and special effects. This would put more pressure on us for the film.

Some good possible independent film distributors for our film could be 'StudioCanal UK,' or 'Warp films.' StudioCanal is only a distributing company, but Warp is a producing and distributing company - both for independent films. They are both subsidiary's of conglomerates, which has positives and negatives concerning the audience and the budgets. Firstly, StudioCanal, has helped distribute many well known films including 'Four lions' (2010) and 'Submarine' (2010). The experience they have had with thriller films were a variety of successes and downfalls. 'Kill list' (2011) was a success for StudioCanal but the short thriller 'Rubber Johnny' (2005), was a bit of a downfall for the company. Because their audience is smaller compared to a mainstream distributor, it will cost them more money if the film receives negative feedback. However, because they are both only small companies, they can produce and distribute films how they like, unlike mainstream films that must be distributed and produced how the companies tell them. Warp has also had experience in distributing thriller films, for example 'Exhibit A' (2009) had high expectations but negative feedback. This is not good for the company or if they distributed our film as the audience may not be interested in thrillers. Some other negatives to these companies
distributing our film would be that they wouldn't have as much money compared to mainstream companies. The budget for our film would be smaller and this might effect the make up used and the costumes as well as the cinematography and editing, which is all really important. However, the positives for if either company distributed our film would be that they are local, and easier to contact and get to compared to most of the mainstream companies that are situated in America such as 'Warner Brothers' for example. One of these companies would be more idealistic compared to a mainstream one due to the fact of where we are situated and the age we are. The target audience for our film would expect lesser than a mainstream audience would expect. From previous films, they would expect far less special effects and CGI, which might make our film look less developed or scary. Nevertheless, I believe that an independent company to distribute our film would be a benefit as it is local and we would be able to leave it exactly how we want it. 

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