Tuesday, 10 December 2013

first 2 mins of film

Close up of a clock, with a ticking sound effect. Then it fades her eye to show fear (similar to the scene from Psycho). There is an over the shoulder shot of Summer towards the therapist, who is writing. She says "So Summer, tell me about this recurring dream you're having!" They have a conversation using shots of over the shoulder shots, a wide shot and close ups.

Cuts to next shot. She sits on a park bench (on her own). A medium upper shot of her with her back to the camera, the camera placed in a bush/tree - looks like she's being watched. She begins to turn, halfway through turning it is cut to a close up of her looking over her shoulder. Long shot from the front of her standing up. A low angle shot, she turns right and camera pans left. She begins to walk. A long shot of her walking towards to camera (or stumbling/jogging), and the camera starts to slowly zoom. Close up of her hands fiddling. Extreme close up of putting hair behind her ear. Heart beat sound effect in the back ground. Jumps cut to clock, swap heart beat to a tick. Cuts back to her running. White noise effect in the back ground. She stops running. Impact cut, black screen, scream and title of film. White letters, turns screen white, then fades into black again. 

Fades into next shot. Traffic sound effects. Establishing shot of suicide bridge. Day time. Medium shot of behind the boy (slow zoom). Low angle shot of side of face, showing him breathing heavy (if it's cold). Close up of one hand on the railing. Close up of his feet moving forward. Close up of two hands on the railing (so far slow motion. Both hands on railing done as a continuous shot but edited in half). Impact cut of car screeching sound effect, Summer sits up in bed panting, scared from what just happened. Day time, in the morning. Summer is sitting on her bed with her laptop. She is looking through some old photos to try and calm herself down. A photo appears and the camera zooms into the photo and it comes to life and fills the whole screen. (already filmed a clip of her and her boyfriend, and the picture is just a still taken from the clip.) Clip/memory:  it's a sunny day with her boyfriend, she turns around and sees the nurse and snaps back to reality...

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